🔑 Key management
Add new wallet:
Recover Wallet:
EVM wallet address:
List all Keys:
Delete wallet:
Export wallet to file:
Import wallet:
Export private key
Import Wallet from private key
Query wallet balance:
👷Validator Management:
Create Validator:
Edit Validator:
View Validator details:
Check Validator key
💰 Token management:
Send token to another wallet:
Delegate tokens to yourself:
Redelegate tokens to another Validator:
Withdraw rewards from all Validators:
Withdraw commission & rewards from your validator:
Unbond tokens from your validator:
🗳 Governance:
Query proposal:
Vote Yes/No:
🚨 Maintenance
Get sync status:
Block sync left:
Get node peers:
Fetch RPC port:
Retrieving Node ID and Server IP Address Configuration:
Your node:
From RPC other node:
Remove node:
Please, before proceeding with the next step! All chain data will be lost! Make sure you have backed up your priv_validator_key.json
⚙️ Service Management:
Reload service:
Enable service:
Disable service:
Start service:
Stop service:
Restart service:
Check service logs: